Offer Wall Integration

Integrate Your Offer Wall

Plug in Your Offer Wall Profile

To display the offer wall, create an URL with the values you gathered above for PublisherID and OfferWallID, along with the end user's uniqueID for subId1. Append all the values to the URL below{publisherID}/profile/{OfferWallID}/preview?subid1={subId1}

eg. PublisherID = 123456, OfferWallID = 52415, subId1 = abc123, your URL will look like this

Now, load the created URL into WebView and you should see the desired OfferWall. Handle the navigations(back/forward) as desired.

Following is the code snippet showing how you can load URL using Application.OpenURL.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()

Alternatively, you can utilize a WebView Plugin for Unity to load embedded within the app. There are a number of webview plugins available within the UnityAsset Store. In addition, open source solutions such as the unity-webview github exist.

Need Help With Your Integration?

If you have any questions about integrating our Offerwall into your project, shoot us an email at: