Get Profile Details

Market Research API Parameters

API parameters pubID, profileID, and api_key can be found on the Integration page. The link is located next to your profile at Your Market Research Profiles.

If you would like us to notify you whenever an offer is completed (lead generated), set up a server postback.

Get Profile Details

This API endpoint returns details for a Market Research profile you set up in our dashboard, click here to set one up or view your existing Market Research profiles

To find your publisher ID or the profile ID for a profile, go to the profiles page and click the “Integration" link across from the profile name.

Response 404 when profileID doesn't exist for the specified pubID.


Parameters   Description Type
pubId Required Your publisher ID Number
profileId Required Your Market Research profile ID Number
deviceType Optional deviceType is a flag used to return the customization for specified device.(Default will be 0 = Web)
deviceType = 3 for Market Research Android Customization
deviceType = 4 for Market Research iOS Customization.

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json

  "profile": {
    "publisher_id": 40035,
    "profile_id": 64,
    "settings": {
      "name": "testmarkets",
      "exchange_rate": 5

         // when deviceType = 3 or 4 (For MR-Android or MR-iOS Customization), the response will be : 

        "header_background_color":"#01354a", // used for header background color
        "header_text_color":"#ffffff", // used for header text color
        "header_menu_icon_color_static":"#ffffff", // used for header menu icon color
        "profiler_get_started_button_background":"#1ba324", // used for profiler get started button background
        "profiler_continue_button_background":"#2196f3", // used for profiler continue button background
        "profiler_question_text_color":"#030303", // used for profiler question text color
        "profiler_get_started_button_text":"#ffffff", // used for profiler get started button text
        "profiler_continue_button_text":"#ffffff", // used for profiler continue button text
        "profiler_save_selection_button_background":"#1ba324", // used for profiler save selection button background
        "profiler_save_selection_button_text":"#ffffff", // used for profiler save selection button text
        "profiler_calender_color_scheme":"#2196f3", // used for profiler calender color scheme
        "offer_cards_credit_button_background_static":"#1ba324", // used for survey cards credit button background static
        "offer_cards_credit_button_background_hover":"#269109", // used for survey cards credit button background on press
        "offer_cards_credit_button_text_static":"#ffffff", // used for survey cards credit button text static
        "offer_cards_credit_button_text_hover":"#000000", // used for survey cards credit button text on press
        "offer_cards_offer_name_text":"#000000", // used for survey cards offer name text
        "offerwall_background_color":"#d8d8d8", // used for MR background color
        "offerwall_background_image":"", // used for MR background image
        "offerwall_background_position":"centered", // used for MR background position
        "deviceType":3, // used for MR-Android
        "is_profile_customized":1 // used for checking whether the profile is customized or is dsefault