Setting Up Your Rewarded Video Profile

Setting Up Your Rewarded Video SDK Profile

Log in to the dashboard, and via the main navigation go to Rewarded Video > Rewarded Video SDK. Before you can integrate the SDK into your app / game, you will need to create a profile.

To create a new profile you simply need to give the profile a name, and set up your postback. If you have already set up a postback for use with the Offer Wall SDK or any of our other products, you can choose an existing URL for your postback. It is recommended however, that you create a new postback URL specifically for video completes. You can setup a postback to get notified of rewarded video watches by going here. When you set up your profile you will also be presented with the option of setting up a new postback for rewarded video watches, or the option to select one of your existing postbacks for that purpose.

Setting Up a Postback for Rewarded Video

The Rewarded Video postback will fire everytime a user of your app watches a video from start to finish. This will let you know to credit the user in your system. To keep track of which user to credit we give you several options:

You can have the postback pass you the user's:

  • Unique user ID from your app
  • Device ID
  • IP address

Or any combination of the above options. There are many other postback options available to you as well that you can use to get the information you need about each video watch. For a full list of the available options please see our postback options page. It is also important to note, that any URL chosen for video postbacks will be used for all additional Rewarded Video SDKs, as well as any of our Mobile Video Lockers (if you are also using this product).

Rewarded Video Postback Examples

Example 1 - Sending the currency earned, user ID, IP address and timestamp

For our purposes lets say you had a script on your server that processes user transactions and lives at and you wanted to record in your database the timestamp, user ID, IP address and you wanted to credit users 1 point for every watch of a rewarded video. In this case you would simply take the postback variables for each of those data points:

  • [SB1] - the postback variable for the userid, sometimes referred to as subid1
  • [IP] - the postback variable for the user's IP address
  • [UTS] - timestamp

and insert them into your postback for the values of the corresponding URL parameters.

Example URL:[SB1]&time=[UTX]&ip=[IP]&earned=1

The earned = 1 in this case represents how many points or currency the user would earn for each video watch and would be hard-coded into your postback as it isn't a dynamic value that changes per user.

Example 2 - sending the currency earned, device ID, user ID, and profile ID

In this example, let's say that your postback processing script that you use to credit users lives at and you wanted to record in your database the app user's ID, device ID number, and the profile id you have associated with your rewarded video implementation and credit them 5 points. In this situation, you would take the postback variables for:

  • [DVC] - device ID
  • [SB1] - the postback variable for the userid, sometimes referred to as subid1
  • [PRF] - profile ID

Example URL:[DVC]&user=[SB1]&profile=[prf]&credits=5

Once your profile has been saved, you are ready to start the integration of our SDK, by veiwing our documentation.

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